rice, pasta & dumplings

bulgur pilaf recipe
rice, pasta & dumplings · 22. December 2023
Team Bulgur, Team Bulgur, 100x Team Bulgur. This bulgur side dish is really golden, pure bulgur. However, to round off the taste, a little more is added to the bulgur pilaf. Just take a look at our bulgur recipe for an outstanding side dish!
plov recipe
rice, pasta & dumplings · 19. December 2023
Today we have one of our very favorite recipes: Özbek Pilavi aka Plov! This Uzbek rice dish with meat, carrots and a few special tricks and ingredients simply tastes good to everyone who tries it. In this article, we'll tell you all about plov and give you our recipe.

turkish rice dish with artichokes
rice, pasta & dumplings · 15. December 2023
So simple and delicious: today we're serving Turkish-style rice with artichokes. Once again, this is simple Turkish soul food that you won't get enough of. Be sure to try it!
bulgur pilaf recipe turkish
rice, pasta & dumplings · 11. December 2023
Anatolian comfort food and an outstanding side dish: Turkish rice looks old next to a good bulgur pilaf with tomatoes and peppers. Our bulgur pilaf recipe delivers pure indulgence.