
Turkish purslane salad with yogurt and olive oil

turkish purslane salad

We are still enjoying the purslane season to the full and therefore have another Turkish recipe with this delicious herb for you. A few posts ago, we introduced you to our sour purslane stew. It was rather less well known. Today we're making a classic Turkish dish instead: purslane salad with yoghurt.


This is a mezze, i.e. a Turkish starter. However, the purslane recipe could also be served as a salad. You can also enjoy our Turkish recipe with yogurt as a side dish or as a cold dinner with bread. This vegetarian recipe certainly tastes incredibly good, especially when the temperature is high. 


At first glance, Turkish purslane salad with yoghurt doesn't sound that exciting. But

  1. Purslane is not just any green. Apart from the health benefits, it also has a delicious taste of its own. A little nutty, a little sour - perfect.
  2. In addition to yoghurt, it also contains garlic, olive oil, pul biber* and optional walnuts. Sounds much more interesting...
purslane salad turkish
turkish purslane salad
turkish purslane salad

The purslane is rounded off with creamy yoghurt, good olive oil and aromatic garlic. Add a few chilli flakes or chopped walnuts to the purslane salad and you're ready to feast. Even if we have left out the walnuts this time.


Where can you buy purslane?

Purslane is usually available in Turkish supermarkets in spring and summer. But be quick, because in our experience purslane sells out quickly. Otherwise, you may be able to find it in organic supermarkets or at the market. However, the only place where you can be sure of getting it in the warmer months is the Turkish supermarket. Alternatively, you can plant purslane on your balcony. We will also try that.


Of course, purslane is the main ingredient in this recipe. But if you can't find it anywhere, you can also make the salad with spinach. After all, garlic yoghurt and olive oil are delicious regardless of the greens used.


Turkish purslane salad with yoghurt recipe: Yogurtlu Semizotu Salatasi



  • one bunch of purslane (approx. 400 grams)
  • 5 tbsp greek yoghurt
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • salt 
  • Pul Biber*
  • optional chopped walnuts
Turkish purslane salad


Step 1: Wash the purslane and pluck off the leaves. Chop the stalks into small pieces.

Step 2: Grate the garlic over the purslane. Add the yogurt and salt.

Step 3: Pour the olive oil over the salad and garnish with chili flakes. Optionally, add a few chopped walnuts.

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